Developing Leaders...
Leading Development

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30, Jan
Finance Leadership

Long Ago, during my early business management studies, our professor asked the class
Whom do you admire—Mukesh Ambani or Anil Ambani?
The entire class erupted in unison—Anil Ambani!
Anil Ambani was suave, used to go to marine drive on morning walk with his dogs and tight security, married an actress of yesteryear and had a fling with Miss Universe of India. Quite fit and stylish. Dashing personality.
Who wouldn’t admire him?
The entire class was a testimony to this rhetoric question.
Mukesh Ambani is simple looking -guy next door types, looks so average, lacks public speaking skills and sometimes even confidence. His daughter Isha Ambani says -Dad , your interviews are boring.
Not fun is not good is the outlook shared by class and many others.
The finance world does not think so.
They love numbers.
They love success after success stories.
They are not bothered about the body but are smitten by the brains and business acumen. They love what numbers Mukesh Ambani can bring to the table.
The stock market is betting on him and it is seen in the zooming of its stock prove which is the driving force in market capitalisation of shares. He has created next set of emerging leaders in Akash and Isha Ambani who are promising and ready to take the reins and the company to next level of great heights.

Even the professor proclaimed and broke the myth held by the class.
No matter what—Mukesh Ambani has the business acumen which is higher or unequivocal to handle conglomerate like Reliance. His mettle, understanding and hard work are underrated. Years went by and we could see the words and the discussion dawning on us when we all applied for Reliance Power IPO where the promoter was Anil Ambani. Reliance power the company who launched IPO even before it began its operation had the lowest IPO opening. It opened below the listing price and was on a slippery slope spiralling downwards from thereon.
Reliance Communication became almost bankrupt and the stock price came to Rs.2 per share. RNRL got merged with Reliance Power both the companies of Anil Ambani. Reliance Communication from 100 Rs has been trading at 2 Rs as the company filed for bankruptcy.

Listing the achievements of Mukesh will be a herculean task. His success stories are in amplitude. He is the real king building an empire which has stood the test of time – time and again. Proof lies in pudding and the proof of pudding lies in eating.

No matter what…choose your leaders wisely and admire them for their body of beautiful work.
Choosing Leaders is like having two boxes.
A complaint box and a chocolate box.

Complaint Box vs Chocolate Box
Every time someone comes to that box you have the offerings ready
From complaint box: complaints
From chocolate box: chocolates
You have a joke, warmth, coolness in your approach and the genteel smile…chocolate box. Once in a while, when you reach the chocolate box ,you might find a complaint. But you will not complain about it!
Once in a while, you might find a chocolate in complaint box
You will be surprised!
The biggest differentiator

You will still go to the chocolate box as it is LEADING with chocolates…
You will not go to complaint box again expecting a chocolate…
Easy to box leaders in these two types!
If Mukesh Ambani takes a wrong decision, it will still be a Chocolate Box for quite some time.
Even if Anil Ambani gets a success story, it is still a complaint box as this could be a flash in the pan kind of thing.
A small mistake…
A critical error takes place in the organisation. The culture will not shake. The team and employees will believe in the firm and its vision in an unwavering manner and come together to take stock of the situation and put the best
foot forward to wade the company out of these troubled waters.
The investors would not lose faith if some strategies fail or business hits some roadblocks.
This is how finance works.
If you are a Finance Leader, you LEAD to Exceed!
LEAD to Exceed!
Coming Soon.

30, Jan
Leadership Mindset = Right Mindset

Leadership Mindset: Faith
108 names popped up to another name for Lord Ganesha.
I was helping to solve the quiz.
My scrolling stopped at Vignaharta: remover of all obstacles. Interesting.
I decided to pray to “Vignaharta” for smooth life.

Will he remove the obstacles just by praying? The thought intrigued me just like the name.
I realised

  1. I have obstacles in my mind.
  2. Everything will work with ~no obstacles thinking first in the headspace and belief space.
    Prayers. Belief. Future Endeavors. Life.
    Right Mindset to Lead
    The smooth flow starts with me for everything to work and then everything will work out automatically (with the
    blessings of Vignaharta)
    Right Mindset = Leadership Mindset.
    Leadership Mindset: Passion
    Air –Water– Fire– Earth!
    Four Elements of Life…One force.

All have to co-exist!
Fire and Water…..Air and Earth

Air — Breath of Life– Existence
Water– Growth of Life– Adaptability
Fire– Light of Life–Passion
Earth– Stability of Life– Focus

Fueled with “passion backed by purpose” with being squarely focussed yet accepting and adapting to the
challenges of life to grow with a Leadership Mindset is what life is mentoring on.

Leadership Mindset: Journey
Stalactites and Stalagmites!
Sounded Fascinating …only in words
The rote learning effect maybe!
Bonds and yield curves

Looked fascinating in finance
But my learning curve did not yield!
Started with geography yet the history remained the same!
Building Zillionite
In challenging times and in cool times
Feels fascinating
Zillionite times!

Jus like a motorcycle rider
Who rides for the pure joy of riding…
Not on the road which looks fascinating
Nor to the destination which sounds fascinating
Rides the motorcycle coz it FEELS fascinating…in Zillionite ways!

Feels Fascinating?
Take Charge!

Leaders Take Charge all the time!
Charge = Self leadership displayed in their life
Charge = vital energy to be a go-getter
Charge = a price to pay – time, money, priorities, sacrifices
Re”charge” = to give a good fight one more time with a restful and reflective pause
In”charge” – takes complete responsibility, power to call the shots
Dis”charge” – feel liberated after creating impact. Nothing less.
Charge Up = fuel to create new fire
And the charging continues for a Leader with leadership mindset.
Just when the caterpillar thought that the world was over, it turned into a Butterfly.
There is nothing in a caterpillar which states that it will become a butterfly and yet it does.
This is the best inspiration for what lies next and with Leadership Mindset, what all can be achieved.
Think higher – of self, by self for self! #Self-leadership is true leadership
Rise higher in your own mind… Hear your voice. #leadership mindset
Everything else is background noise.
Lead Life by knowing

where to enter and where to exit…Relationships!
When to deposit and when to encash…Time
When to hold tight and when to relax…Health
When to work for it and when to make it work for us…Money

Leadership Mindset

30, Jan
Stock Market: Where Money Makes More Easy Money!

Patience and Emotions
In stock market, if you want to buy 100 shares…buy only 50 today.
If the market goes up…you can book short term profit…
If tomorrow, the market goes down even further… you can buy at low prices!
Still happy!!
So simple!
Then what is the problem?
Lack of patience and unstable emotions!!!
Patience and emotions… if mastered…can be the biggest weapons in the arsenal to conquer money and time.
With stable emotions, you can not only be rich but also be able to create sustainable wealth.
With them, you can LEAD not only in stock market but also in life….happily!

How to Play in Stock Market?
The real Stock Market Game is simple like the back of your hand.
Enter on lows. Exit on highs. Watch in the mean time. Simple.

We almost feel happy if there are lows if we play the game correctly.
We are rubbing our hands in glee with the fall as this gives us a chance to buy great companies at throwaway
We know that this companies have bright future and the stock will rise in short term or long term.
Ditto should be in life.
Let us enter on lows to build the high! No grief. No suffering of lows.
Patience and perseverance till we reach a new high!

Stock Market and IPO’s
The IPO market is a booming space especially in the Indian stock market.

Complete Journey: Yatra
The IPO market is getting flooded in India.
Yatra, an online travel portal company is already listed on NASDAQ.
It did reverse merger to list on the U.S. Index.

Reverse Merger: Where a private company acquires a public company to avoid the hassles of the listing process.
The stock price of YATRA is languishing for years.
It now plans to ride on the bandwagon of Indian stock market growth story.
The grey market sees no premium in its Indian listing.
Yet, the move makes complete sense for Yatra from every area!
Vasudheva Kutumbhkam…One Earth. One Family. One Future.
Life comes full circle.
The foreign return with Indian roots… comes home with a round trip to the world. What a YATRA!
Relationship with Money
The way we look at money and make more money is explained in simple and profound manner in the book “The
Psychology of Money.”
There are few key takeaways which can help each of us to understand the relationship with money in a better
Psychology of Money:

  1. Luck and risk paly a huge role in getting rich.
  2. Save for no reason.
  3. Earning wealth and maintain wealth is different.
  4. Health is the ultimate wealth. Time is the ultimate freedom
  5. Enough savings to have few failures and to keep going
  6. Our experiences shape us without we knowing it.
  7. History is no good. There are many first surprises.
  8. House, car and vacations for show off are no good.
  9. All are playing a different game. Please don’t compare.
  10. Survive to succeed with a strong purpose.
  11. Hard science of profession goes hand in hand with soft yet complex psychology
  12. We all evolve and change. Investments and plans. Things making sense today wont make sense 20 years
    down the line.
  13. Forecasts are important so that we feel the world is making sense.
  14. It is different this time -investors psychology
  15. The definition of enough varies for all.
    16.Pessimism is favored than optimism. The fear factor in psychology at play.
  16. Everything has a price tag- fear, insecurity, independence are invisible price tags

Flawed Finance Funda: Affordability Test
Today a new affordability test is making rounds and is promulgated by the new aged finance wizards
“If you can buy it twice, go ahead and buy it!”
This is so flawed!

A shirt of 500 Rs can be purchased several times… But it is just extravagant shopping!
A house for 2 crores. Should you wait for 4 crores in kitty to have 2 crores worth of house?
Finance is beyond numbers…quality and quantitative both.
If you can buy it but don’t Need it, its a WANT– Don’t buy it at all or Delay buying so that you can have the
needs accommodated first!

Dream House- With hard earned money collected penny by penny—go ahead and live and put all the money,
sweat, imagination, love and make it a happy house!
As they say ghar ek hi baar banta hai!

Shield from flimsy discounts
Build on Value
Lead with Zillionite
–Shweta Vora, Founder of Zillionite

Thought Leadership

30, Jan
The Zillion Dollar Question today on top of each bright mind is – When do you Become a Leader?

So, I asked– When Do you Become Leader?
They replied:
Who is winning all the time !
Who is talked about and admired by the world.
Who is ahead in the race of life.
Who achieves all that is desired early and inspires others.

They Asked
When do you Become a Leader?

I replied:
Even if losing badly, will not do wrong
Who is striving to take humanity ahead
Who excels by being a living example and is aspired by others
Who understands and tunes into the rhythm of universe….

The world sees presentation but Karma sees action and Intention.
If you are saddled in the Leadership seat, it is pertinent to showcase and live as a True Leader.
It takes more than courage and willpower to be an authentic leader in this world.
The scars of losing and fighting for truth are real medals than victory itself.

The next wave of leaders who will emulate you will become your shadows.
The prototypes will take actions inspired by you.
This will add to your Karma. Good and Bad. If it is Good and Bad.
Make it Good or Bad. No greys. Not both.

Become a Leader by Building Leadership Karma.

Karma: The Third Eye

The third eye of Shiva when it opens, it destroys all the bad with fire.
If you are pure, the fire will turn you into gold.
If you are pure in intentions and action, your Karma will LEAD with great Shiva.
Stay pure and let the third eye of intuition LEAD you in the right direction.
Shiva is in three form Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh.
Like him, the leader who is the creator, administrator and destroyer has to take all three modes from time to time.
The third eye of Shiva is about the time.
Intuition, anger, fire. depends on what you display.
Every leader also has third eye. Third eye of intuition making its decision making skills adept and Vision through
which it channelized its energy in the right direction.
Let us lead the dance of life with formidable karmas like Natarajan Shiva with the vibhuti bhushan giving us the
understanding that we are like ash and that is temporary existence of flimsy life.
Journey of Karma
When a child gets good grades, everyone is exhibiting sheer joy.
How it gets the grades by cheating or on its own merit takes a backseat.
Though called a Leader, is the child accumulating good karma or bad karma?
The race to career is set with many milestones to be achieved
The fancier car
A bigger house
A luxurious life
A fat bank balance
A safe big pool of retirement corpus
Growth is life and it is important which gives the satisfaction and purpose to life.
How is the growth achieved should be a bigger question then the tick marks on the growth list.
The growth in life should be aligned to the karmic growth. Be on the journey of Karma and not on a journey of
successful life flagged with flimsy symbols.

Question the Karma
All those who are not leaders or in a leadership position would also need to carve out their karmic journey.
To work in a firm, accept the culture, breathe in life in the profile and showcase solidarity to clients and
brotherhood to team mates.
These will also accumulate Karmas.
It is important to choose. Make tough choices. Make smart choices. Make right choices. Make karmic choices.
Start by Questioning the obvious.

It is important to know the power of questions.
Questions showcases quick, curious, active, seeker mind.
The right set of questions will set your sail in search of right answers. That is the karmic journey then the answer
If a mosquito bites you, there can be two set of questions. You have a choice of how you want to set the tone.
Why did the mosquito bit only me and no one else?
Since the mosquito bit me, what should I do about it to control the situation and take best measures?

Is there a quick rich scheme out there for me?
How to make money which is pure and sustainable wealth?

What shall I do to crush my competitors ?
What can I work upon to be outclass and worldclass?

How can I get quick fame?
How can I create an inspiring legacy?

More Thought Provoking Questions:
Do we build bad karmas if we fire people during tough times from our organisation?
Do we shield from bad karmas if we do not ask for money from unethical people in business?
Do we lead with formidable karmas if we take each decision for the greater good?
Do we accumulate tough karmas if we sacrifice few under the name of collateral damage?

Know the answers to these in
Leadership Karma
Coming Soon

10, Nov
India’s G20 Presidency: Digital Progress and Global Unity

“It is not India’s decade; it is India’s century!”
The decade has started with India taking the G20 presidency 2023.

G20 summit is where 19 countries and EU together are part of it for economic growth and averting financial crisis.
It was formed after 2008 crisis. The main objectives to form this group of 20 was:
– Sustainable growth Initiatives
– Building sturdy financial architecture
– Financial stability in India
– Economic growth in India
– Financial structure

Management of G20
TROIKA: The Past, Present and Future presidency work together in sync for making it happen. There is no permanent team but this is how it operates.

There is Sherpa and Finance Sherpa who are at the helm of organising and discussing the agenda in the meets.

Year 2023: G20- India at Helm
Let us mark the date on calendar for the eventful days in the month of September 2023 where the world will come together under one roof as one family.
This year the summit is happening in New Delhi 9 th -10 th Sep 2023.
Theme: One Earth. One Family, One Future.
“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”

With the agenda of keeping the larger picture in mind, the key points of discussions and deliberations will be
– Of looming recession
– Post pandemic revival
– Russia Ukraine War
– Climate change

The Sherpa Meeting took place in December 2022 at Udaipur.
Sherpa Amitabh Kant had started on a strong note.
He promised that the Finance Track and Engagement Groups will also be actively engaging for tackling the issues surfacing in fiancé and economic growth of the world.

G20 Presidency- How will this benefit India?
Tech Progress: There are digital success stories which can be highlighted and emphasised to the world about
the digital progress in India which can truly unite the world going forward.
Bridge Builder and Healer: The tension surrounding the ongoing war where India is in a delicate state in the dilemma to take a stand between the war-torn Russia and Ukraine. This would be an opportunity to heal any wounds and build the bridge of trust with compassion. To give the guarantee and assurance of how India has greater good of all the nations at heart.
Digital Unity: the progress made on UPI, Fast tags, Adhar card linkages is noteworthy.

Grassroot Level Challenges in India
It is not India’s decade; it is India’s century of leadership!
That is India will be LEADING for the next 100 years!
There is not an iota of doubt in these maxims.
However, the bigger question is how will India become the leader of century?
The Indian entrepreneur challenges and roadblocks to this scintillating destination are galore.
As per Zillionite, India needs a four forked strategy to LEAD the century.

  1. Ease of Doing Business
  2. Financial Architecture
  3. Global Vision
  4. Battery of Lawyers

1. Ease of Doing Business:
For global tie ups and partnerships, ease of doing business in India is important.
Though India has progressed by leaps and bounds in ease of doing business rankings in terms of ease of doing
business, it has a significant distance as some pertinent key characteristics are still languishing for the business
to go sleek and suave.
The World Economic Forum had a protocol to publish rankings on ease of doing business every year. The
ranking system has been discontinued from year 2022 citing misinformation and unfair practices in play to arrive
at the conclusive rankings.

Source: World Economic Forum
Picture Published in ET

The real challenge is enforcing contracts as the legal support for businesses growth is without teeth to enforce
contracts. The legal enforcement must be really entrenched to conduct business growth strategies in right and
holistic manner.
The minorities are also not protected enough due to the muscle game of the stronger entities and presence of
deep pocket players in the market who tilt the dynamics from being a level playing field for all.

2.Financial Architecture:
Digitally, India is way ahead than others and is continuously galloping in the right direction.
There are still bigger challenges to be addressed in the finance arena. A common prevalent challenge identified needs exigent measures. The elephant in the room is bad debts in business.
The problem of bad debts is entrenched across almost all sectors in India. The varied types of bad debts eruption are:
– Stressed Assets – Bad Debts!
– NPA in banks.
– Loan Shark Deals
– Consumer Bad Debt: Debt of Credit Card, Auto Loans, and debt for personal expenses.

Every year banks write off a huge number of bad debts and there are ARCs to resolve these murky issues which
take its own time and there is no guarantee of recovery. The ratio of recovery even by ARCs depends from case
to case.
In almost all businesses in India, the gestation of credit cycles is elongated.
Additionally, there is 20% to sometimes 40% of bad debts being written off across varied industries. Even the
players who can pay the credit decide to play the dirty game to take advantage of the weaker vendor or citing
industry norms.
These showcases ethical indecencies which is a perennial problem. This ethical dilly dallies not only percolates
at the domestic level but also affects international business trades.
If the reforms and measures for bad debts are not put in place then the Financial Architecture Challenges in India
will be akin to walking in a minefield! This will shrink the opportunities for good domestic and international
businesses. A sturdy financial architecture will steer India to LEAD globally.

3. Shared Vision of India:
The scintillating vision of India is to “Grow Global.” This Vision needs a lot of elements to fall in place and stick
like magnet to show its reverberating impact with sustainability at core.
It must deal with other countries comprehensively, competitively, and collaboratively to lead the century.
To ensure that the set vision sees the light of reality, a lot of ground work must be undertaken by the government
across industries at multi-lateral levels.
The aim of India should be that each good company from varied countries should be able to do more business in
India with unwavering enthusiasm. Security, assurance, principle safe, easy recovery of money factors should be
well taken care of.
India in terms of a financial stability must LEAD by example.
This also needs law force and fluidity of legalities to support this vision. Both must work hand in hand to ensure
that business growth in India with sturdy financial architecture is supported by swift legal practices.
The game changer in achieving India’s global vision is to have roots entrenched in Sturdy Laws.

4. Battery of Lawyers and World of Opportunities
That the world is a global village is an understatement. However, the legal methodologies vary from country to country. The legalities right from starting the business to winding up the firm are multi-fold. While conducting business as usual the documentation of contracts, agreements, exports, imports, due diligence is mandatory and time consuming. Also, understanding and drafting of deals in international trades and businesses is done by taking into consideration legalities of two different geographies will play a massive role more than ever.
We need battery of lawyers in India for supporting and formulating a robust financial architecture. Legal sharks can help to stand the storm of business cycles and industrial challenges.
Lawyers are also entrepreneurs.
Each lawyer who is having its own practise is also running a business venture. They are on the tough road of entrepreneurship like many in different sectors and domains.
The lawyers also face bad debts due to non-payment of dues from the clients.
These lawyers understand the problems first hand as the nature of business is the same irrespective of the industry.
If there are fast track courts in India which aid and help to access with ease of legalities in terms of cost, availability of legal experts and agility in terms of decisive outcome, this will be a turnaround point for India and the world will sit and notice.
The current scenario has financial headwinds to step into legal fights. To file a case against bad debts in Indian
Business, the legal fees start from minimum 10,000/- INR which can easily stagger up to lakhs. The legal documentation is also exhausting and cumbersome to say the least.
With strong Indian Legal Enviornment, businesses will be conducted in more ethical manner proactively to avoid the iron rod.
The players will see immense benefit and this will make each element doing business vie for sustainability in a natural, lucid, and organic fashion.
Strong laws will make people more ethical which will become a second nature of business owners.

Ethical business breed is where people will die to pay premium, will be queuing up to associate.
Strong Ethics -Strong laws is a dual sword which will work beautifully and cut sharply for those who are off the track in terms of debt repayment.
Even unethical people want to do business with ethical people as they too have a fear of being cheated! A classic case of snake biting its own tail.

Case Study of Zillionite Client with Global Vision
Mahesh Kamble started his entrepreneurial journey in India when he was just out of college. Back in college, his professor had talked comprehensively about export import business as lucrative with ease of entry in the business.
Nine people from his class after graduation started their own firm in export and import business getting all the documents in place.
Mahesh found the easiest business if not ease of business. Despite putting real efforts, he could not get any clients despite several attempts.
He along with multiple of his classmates who had started export import business could not solve the challenge of getting business in monetary terms for almost a year.
After almost a year pursuing his stint, Mahesh connected with Zillionite.
He enrolled in our flagship LDP (Leadership Development Program) and was over the moon for bagging his first ever client. There was no looking back for Mahesh from there on.

The solutions suggested by Zillionite were incorporated by EXMI and it had a very positive impact. Zillionite helped EXMI create a strong Vision and Mission for the company.
He was creating waves with global clients and vendor partners. Keeping India at heart creating benefits with world class quality imports and exports for each.

Zillionite: With the turnaround success story of Mahesh, we felt victorious as our aim to achieve was fulfilled. The aim is to build 0 to 1 for entrepreneurs in their entrepreneurship journey.
Zillionite is a leadership development firm for entrepreneurs of today to become the future leaders of tomorrow.
Zillionite is about empowering and creating an impact.
– Ethical
– Excellence
– Eco System
– Educative

Global India or India Global?
Shared Vision: Aim for 1% of bad debts to do business in India. This aligns well with the global Business vision of India to do the same.
Also, it would be great to see India host 2036 World Cup, Olympics and much more…with the mindset and vision all set and aligned with LEADING for the century!
Let this be India’s Leading century witnessing India to LEAD from the front, from the back and even from the middle of the pack!
Note: All the views are expressed by Shweta Vora, founder of Zillionite.
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25, Oct
Business Leadership: The Cornerstone of Profitability

Business Leadership is nothing but being profitable. This is the foundation for business to know if they have got the business acumen and more importantly are they doing their work and homework well.
How new age entrepreneurs with dynamic business model in India are making waves in the business world.
We have two case studies of Wework India and Zerodha- a fintech startup which is now the most profitable finance company of India in recent times.

Case Study 1: Wework India
From a loss of 120 crore in 2021 to profit of 175 crore this year by #Wework India is really laudable.

Factors aiding in the demand for co working space
A: hybrid mode of work
B: flex spaces for vicinity, travelling
C: Networking opportunities
D: Aesthetic infrastructure without hassles

The CEO of Wework India stated that there is no need for further funds as their bottomline is becoming stronger and they are self sufficient financially.

He expects the company to grow in 2023 with the topline growth of 1500 crore which is growing by leaps and

The revenue growth was 1300 crore between January-December as against Rs 760 crore in 2021.
Interestingly, old school commercial real estate also saw a boom of 40% in last two years as companies return to grow and scale up.

Changing Business Dynamics:

These are dynamic times for business.
The business dynamics have changed drastically post pandemic.
The commercial real estate where both the old school and new school of commercial players are seeing rising growth is noteworthy and tell a tale of changing times and transforming business landscapes.

Dynamic Leadership is understanding the next wave of dynamism in your industry and in future industries which will absolutely change the way in which business will be done.
If you are Leading the change, like Wework, great.

If not, you need to be aware of who and how is the player in your industry bringing the change and can quickly adapt to the requisite changes to be in the forefront of the race.
The Future: Co-Living and Co-Working
Next growth for Wework could be to get Welive (co-living) which is in fledgling state in New York to India.
Under Adam Neumann, Welive was all set to take wings and bring a revolutionary change in the coliving space.
Since he is ousted from the company, this project is on the backburner for Wework Group.

With co living , accommodation is shared with others and is better if not cheaper than renting a living space.

Coliving is shared space for living and that brings the cost down. Sometimes it is not the case, as you can have a room mate while renting a flat which will ensure the rents are not steep.

2025 Flex Spaces: Future Combo of Co-working and Co-living!

Zillionite envisages that this space will have best of both the worlds which equips the work force and gives them the proverbial work life balance in one sense if not the other!

Even if the next pandemic hits, it will not put brakes to work as you can jump out of your bed and lo you have entered your office!

Compensation at Zerodha
100 crore salary — Eye popping or Mind boggling compensation?
This is a case study about finance for entrepreneurs – Thought Leadership
Zerodha, an online brokerage firm has decided to compensate its three promoters with INR 100 crore salary.

Salary of 100 crore means ending up in higher tax bracket. So does this make sense?
Compensation is difficult to structure even more in start ups.
Zerodha is a private company and has the liberty to add zeroes as it deems fit.
Lets looks at the strategic outlook in different cases:
Option 1: Salary income tax
Take salary and pay 43% of taxes. So cash in hand will be INR 57 crores.
Option 2: Dividend tax
The corporate tax rate is 25%. Individual dividend tax rate is 34.5%
So after the corporate tax and individual tax, they will get INR 49 crores.
Option 3:
Selling shares through funding, IPO or any such route.
This is ruled out for now as it is a zero debt company with a profit of INR 1000 cr.
Yet with valuations, it will be a lucrative option with less stake and more cash in hand. The leaders at Zerodha state that they want to give back to the society as being the highest tax payers with this compensation.

Leadership Skills- Zero Sum Game
Well, all in all, it is definitely not a Zero sum game with all the zeroes in place and growing without obstacles – for all!
Leadership is a game where you lead when from zero to become one and you have won with the winning leadership skill for sure.

25, Oct
Not Giving Up: The Essence of True Leadership

Rohit Sharma was replaced by Jasprit Bumrah as a captain for a cricket match last week.
Bumrah is rested and Shikhar Dhawan will now be the captain for the upcoming match.
Can the succession lineup increase the probability of success… Does it mean not giving up on victory under any cost and being extra prepared.
Being a captain and performing as a captain are two different things.

Leadership Lesson from Sports
The key is to have the successive leadership ready with rigorous training, prior exposure and requisite skill set
for demanding times.
Replicate in business and in life to LEAD!

We all want the cup coming home.
We want the medal tally increase multifold.

Still, there are equally talented champions who fought so well that while fighting both the teams were equally good. Only one took the trophy.

Be wowed with the Not Giving Up story!

Just missed = A pat on back saying “Well Played”
Appreciate the spirit of “You gave it your all”

Build the ecosystem to support them too.

Not letting their spirit break.
Giving them hope to try harder and continue the sincere effort by putting their heart and soul…AGAIN.

To be the LEADERS of tomorrow in sports.

Where every effort is equivalent to a win!

In sports, the glory and podium finish keeps on changing.
Yesterday it was Bronze.

Today it is Gold!

That is the medal color of Boxer Lovlina at Olympics and World Championship respectively.

Her gold win is called breaking the “bronze jinx”. The same bronze was a country pride!

Tomorrow it will be a different color for the boxing champions.

The leader is the same who is squarely focussed to achieve the goals.

The outcome keeps on changing colors just like the medals.

Be happy as the medals keep coming.

Even if once in a while there is a slip in getting medal, it does not lessen the player or the champions.

The endeavour, vision, discipline and tenacity is still the same when you play any game. That is LEADERSHIP.
Self Leadership is True Leadership in Sports.

Nikhat Zareen, a boxing champion also won at World Boxing Championship. She is called “Indomitable”

She is the same player who was not given a chance for trials of Olympics as she was a novice and a renowned world champion was sent to Olympics without the qualifying rounds taking place.

She was not a Success then or she won medals so she is a Successful Now.

Even then she was a women Leader. Even today she is an Inspiring Leader– just at the world stage. It is the circumstances, competition which is different each time. In each domain and industry.

For each of us — entrepreneurs in India, professionals, students or home makers or future leaders — The only way for leadership skills development is by Aim to Achieve. The Jazbaa has to be there. Do not be tied to the outcome. That is the real beauty of the entrepreneurial journey.

Put your best foot forward and be unruffled by changing colors. The changing colors are for the judgements, applause for the world which keeps on changing too.

Tie a tough knot to your focus, to your intentions, to what YOU are!!

Not to glory, podium finish and medal colors.


Success is not equal to Leadership!


Success is ≠ Leadership

Know what is Leadership with Zillionite.
Leadership Vibes

25, Oct
Zillionite: Leading with Value in Business

Leadership Mindset: What really counts…

  1. Double Discount
    – Why will you will never take this double discount and yet buy at full price for the very thing you need?
    – Your family doctor charges you the same exorbitant price. No discount. – -Well if they say, the entire family 20% off and Extended family too 50% off!
    – Buying a fire extinguisher for your house which has expiry at every five years…will you try to bargain to get it at discount as year after year it is still unused?
  2. Who gives discount and why?
    A. Food Industry
    – Products are on the verge of expiry
    – Short shelf life
    – Changing seasons
    Note: The vegetable vendor gives out only 450 gms in the bargain of 500 gms at steep discount price.
    B. Retail Industry
    – Inventory turnover ratio
    – Dead stock
    – Defective
    – Changing Trends
    C: Online Ecommerce Platforms
    – High footfalls
    – Economies of scale
    – Cashing on festives so that people buy out of wants and not needs
    – FOMO on EOSS sales and irresistible dhamaka offers
    Note: If you see your favourite watch at 80% discount, you will buy two where you don’t need even one. I did!
    D: Rest of the World
    – Can’t bridge the demand supply gap through value creation
    – Can’t justify the value creation
    Note: The tomato seller who won’t budge with his price and has the reddest tomatoes in the vegetable market.
  3. Difference between SME and Brand Leaders
    Buying a Ferrari, date at Taj and holiday stay at Ritz Carlton… while dreaming these dreams, do you factor in deep discount?
    Irony: Needs and wants at steep discounts and luxury at no discounts.
  4. Leadership Mindset
    – Hold your ground. Protect you turf.
    – Bank on your past body of work.
    – Communicate with authenticity.
    – Give performance and showcase capability.
    – Discount should be a very very short-term measure.
    Note: Highlight clear benefits with discount version and without discount. So that the value is underlined. Easy to switch for them. Build Leadership Mindset.

Build your Tribe
Pick and choose your tribe who
Buys for occasion
Buys for value
Buys for real need and not just for show off

What do you recollect…the discount percentage or the experience when the product performs or is dysfunctional?
What counts cannot be counted and definitely not discount!

Give value and get value. Everything else will fall in place.

Shield from flimsy money
Build on Value
Lead with Zillionite
–Shweta Vora, Founder of Zillionite