Developing Leaders...
Leading Development

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Long Ago, during my early business management studies, our professor asked the class
Whom do you admire—Mukesh Ambani or Anil Ambani?
The entire class erupted in unison—Anil Ambani!
Anil Ambani was suave, used to go to marine drive on morning walk with his dogs and tight security, married an actress of yesteryear and had a fling with Miss Universe of India. Quite fit and stylish. Dashing personality.
Who wouldn’t admire him?
The entire class was a testimony to this rhetoric question.
Mukesh Ambani is simple looking -guy next door types, looks so average, lacks public speaking skills and sometimes even confidence. His daughter Isha Ambani says -Dad , your interviews are boring.
Not fun is not good is the outlook shared by class and many others.
The finance world does not think so.
They love numbers.
They love success after success stories.
They are not bothered about the body but are smitten by the brains and business acumen. They love what numbers Mukesh Ambani can bring to the table.
The stock market is betting on him and it is seen in the zooming of its stock prove which is the driving force in market capitalisation of shares. He has created next set of emerging leaders in Akash and Isha Ambani who are promising and ready to take the reins and the company to next level of great heights.

Even the professor proclaimed and broke the myth held by the class.
No matter what—Mukesh Ambani has the business acumen which is higher or unequivocal to handle conglomerate like Reliance. His mettle, understanding and hard work are underrated. Years went by and we could see the words and the discussion dawning on us when we all applied for Reliance Power IPO where the promoter was Anil Ambani. Reliance power the company who launched IPO even before it began its operation had the lowest IPO opening. It opened below the listing price and was on a slippery slope spiralling downwards from thereon.
Reliance Communication became almost bankrupt and the stock price came to Rs.2 per share. RNRL got merged with Reliance Power both the companies of Anil Ambani. Reliance Communication from 100 Rs has been trading at 2 Rs as the company filed for bankruptcy.

Listing the achievements of Mukesh will be a herculean task. His success stories are in amplitude. He is the real king building an empire which has stood the test of time – time and again. Proof lies in pudding and the proof of pudding lies in eating.

No matter what…choose your leaders wisely and admire them for their body of beautiful work.
Choosing Leaders is like having two boxes.
A complaint box and a chocolate box.

Complaint Box vs Chocolate Box
Every time someone comes to that box you have the offerings ready
From complaint box: complaints
From chocolate box: chocolates
You have a joke, warmth, coolness in your approach and the genteel smile…chocolate box. Once in a while, when you reach the chocolate box ,you might find a complaint. But you will not complain about it!
Once in a while, you might find a chocolate in complaint box
You will be surprised!
The biggest differentiator

You will still go to the chocolate box as it is LEADING with chocolates…
You will not go to complaint box again expecting a chocolate…
Easy to box leaders in these two types!
If Mukesh Ambani takes a wrong decision, it will still be a Chocolate Box for quite some time.
Even if Anil Ambani gets a success story, it is still a complaint box as this could be a flash in the pan kind of thing.
A small mistake…
A critical error takes place in the organisation. The culture will not shake. The team and employees will believe in the firm and its vision in an unwavering manner and come together to take stock of the situation and put the best
foot forward to wade the company out of these troubled waters.
The investors would not lose faith if some strategies fail or business hits some roadblocks.
This is how finance works.
If you are a Finance Leader, you LEAD to Exceed!
LEAD to Exceed!
Coming Soon.