Leadership Karma: Building Legacy Through Purpose

When Do You Become a Leader?

The Zillion Dollar Question at the top of every bright mind today is, When do you become a leader?
I asked around, and the common answers were:

The one who wins all the time.
The one admired by the world.
The one ahead in the race of life.
The one who achieves everything and inspires others early.

They asked me the same question: When do you become a leader?
I replied:
A leader is someone who, even in loss, does not compromise their integrity.
Someone who strives for the progress of humanity.
Someone who excels by living as an example and inspires others with their actions.
Someone who understands the rhythm of the universe and aligns with it.

The world sees the presentation, but Karma sees action and intention. If you’re in the leadership seat, it’s crucial to be a true leader, embodying courage and integrity. Authentic leadership takes more than just willpower—it requires deep-rooted principles and genuine effort.

Leadership Karma: The Third Eye

The third eye of Lord Shiva, when opened, destroys the bad with its fiery gaze. But if you’re pure, that fire will refine you, turning you into gold. Likewise, if your actions and intentions are pure, your Karma will lead you toward greatness, just as Shiva leads.
In leadership, it’s important to channel the energy of creation, administration, and destruction—like the divine trio of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Leaders, too, have a third eye—the eye of intuition. It helps you make decisions, channel energy, and direct your leadership in the right way.

Journey of Karma: Grades, Growth, and the Bigger Picture

When a child gets good grades, everyone celebrates. But did those grades come from hard work or cheating? The means matter, as they determine the Karma you accumulate. The same goes for life’s milestones: a fancy car, a bigger house, or a luxurious life.
How you achieve these milestones is crucial. Is your journey aligned with Karmic growth, or is it driven by material success alone? The journey of Karma, not just a successful life filled with symbols of wealth, should be your focus.

The Power of Questions

Every leader, whether in a leadership position or not, must ask the right questions to carve their own Karmic journey. In the workplace, when facing clients or leading a team, your actions accumulate Karma—good or bad.
It’s important to ask yourself tough questions:

How do I lead with purpose and authenticity?
How do I balance the needs of the company with my ethical standards?
How do I create lasting, positive impact without harming others?

For example:
Instead of “Why did the mosquito bite me?” ask, “How can I control the situation and prevent future bites?”
Instead of “How can I crush my competitors?” ask, “How can I become world-class and inspire others?”

Asking the right questions can lead you on a true Karmic journey, one where you seek answers that elevate your leadership and enrich your life.

More Thought-Provoking Questions:

Do we build bad Karma when we fire people during tough times?
Do we avoid bad Karma when we refuse business from unethical people?
Do we lead with strong Karma if we make decisions for the greater good?
Do we accumulate tough Karma when we sacrifice others as collateral damage?

Leadership Karma is about making these tough choices, aligning your leadership with your actions, and building a legacy that inspires and guides others.

Leadership Karma: Coming Soon

Stay tuned for the next blog in this series, where we dive deeper into how to create Leadership Karma and align success with purpose.

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