Leading in Business: Creating Value

Doing good business is one thing. Leading with Vision and Trust to build Wealth and Growth is a different phenomenon altogether. Good business is transactional, succeeding with clever moves and shrewdness in the entire approach. One should know negotiation skills for closing high-value deals.

A great business is built on Leadership Mindset. It has its foundation entrenched in leadership Values. Though Mindset and Values are qualitative in nature, they shine through in attitude, approach, and deeds.

1. Double Discount

Why will you never take a double discount and yet buy at full price for the very thing you need?

      Your family doctor charges you the same exorbitant price, no discount. Would you expect 20% off for the entire family and 50% off for extended family, even if they don’t need medical attention?

Buying a fire extinguisher for your house, with a five-year expiry. Would you try to bargain for a discount because it’s unused, or appreciate the investment’s security?

2. Discount Providers Motive

A. Food Industry

      Products nearing expiry

      Short shelf life

      Seasonal changes

B. Retail Industry

      Inventory turnover



      Trends change

C. Online E-commerce Platforms

      High traffic periods

      Economies of scale

      Festive season sales spur purchases beyond needs

D. Rest of the World

      Inability to bridge the demand-supply gap through value creation

      Challenges in justifying value creation

3. Difference between SME and Brand Leaders

Dreaming of a Ferrari, dining at the Taj, or staying at the Ritz-Carlton—do you expect deep discounts?

Ironically, needs and wants are discounted steeply, while luxury remains unquestionably priced.

4. Leadership Development

      Uphold your ground, protect your turf

      Leverage past achievements

      Communicate authentically

      Deliver performance, showcase capability

      Discounts should be short-term, highlighting clear benefits for value distinction

Build Your Tribe….

Select a tribe that:

      Buys occasion-specific

      Values and needs over showmanship

      Purchases with introspection

Post-purchase, recall the experience over discount percentages. What truly counts cannot be counted—especially not discounts!

Outplay, outgrow and outclass with Leadership Values and Excellence. Give value every time; multifold returns are assured in the long term. Incorporating elements such as holistic growth strategies and global leadership challenges and solutions can further enhance your approach and lead to sustained success.

Additionally, focusing on self-improvement tips for aspiring leaders and advanced leadership training programs can solidify your path to becoming a great leader.

Shield from Flimsy Shots

Build on Culture and Trust. Develop emerging leadership skills to navigate the modern business landscape effectively.

Lead with Zillionite.

— Shweta Vora,

Founder – Zillionite

Zillionite: Creating Value

At Zillionite, we believe in holistic growth and the power of leadership training. Our leadership development program is designed to help you tap into your intuition, develop essential leadership skills, and thrive in any industry ecosystem. 

Lead in Business with Zillionite. 


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